Monday, 23 April 2012


Sara was one of the model's on  the photography workshop at Newlanark. the kit i used was my own called Coffee & Cream


Photo taken at New Lanark Scotlanf kit was my own called Bits & Pieces

School Room

 This Image was also taken on the same photography work shop at New Lanark, the model was posing as a school girl hence the title kit used was my own Coffee & Cream.


  Photo's were taken at a photography Workshop, first image was blended into the background, frame was taken from one of my own Kits called Coffee & Cream   

Cat Family

This page was created using CraftArtist,the image was taken from the net,used pen & ink effect on the image, kit used was The Orchard by chicojimj

Sunday, 15 April 2012


This page was a challenge page  using the word Graceful I used two images from the net, one as  the background, second image snapped into the frame which was created by myself using Drawplus x5 & CraftArtist

Friday, 13 April 2012

'' Lilac ''

Lilac was named from the colour of the page, which is one of my own. Image from Tubespassion, Embellishments were taken from a kit called Lemon & Lilac by jennyjennyjenny. page was created using CraftArtist.

'' Emily ''

Emily is the title for this page see was taken from the net, I gave her this name as I thought it suited the page, the background is my own  the effects were created using photolab in CraftArtist.

'' Thinking ''

This page I called thinking, to me that is how I see the pose, this was an experimental page as the background is one of me own, the image was taken from TubesPassion,page was created using photolab in CraftArtist

Wednesday, 11 April 2012

For this page I took the image from TubesPassion used photolab in CraftArtist to add effects to the image

The image was taken from the net page was created using CraftArtist, the  kit was called Cogs & Globes by oldfinger 

Saturday, 7 April 2012

I created this page using CraftArtist, the image was from TubesPassion, used photolab to create a watercolour effect to the copied image, a mixture of kits were used, jennyjennyjenny's Bits and Bobs,  and Dreams by Bloggs

Thursday, 5 April 2012

Create this page using Craft Artist the image was from TubesPassion,kit used was my latest freebie called Bits & Pieces

Wednesday, 4 April 2012

Download CraftArtist only

This kit was created using CraftArtist & Drawplusx5 by Serif the kit is for ( PU ) only
The kit has 38 Embellishments,11 Background Papers, 9 Frames, 6 Materials, 1 Layout and 1 Mainpage everything was created from shapes and cut some of my own Photographs,The Image on the main page is from the net. Please leave a comment

Monday, 2 April 2012

 This image was taken from the net this page was created using CraftArtist 
The kit was Dreans by Bloggs